Maria Inés
An Indian girl born under Padre Serra’s cross at Mission San Miguel de Arcángel witnesses the political intrigue and greed of Spanish, Mexican and Yanqui invaders who plunder California, destroying everything she loves.
A refugee in her own land during the Time of the Troubles, Maria Inés struggles to survive while she reclaims her family, her faith and her ancestral identity. A moving must-read for fans of the Old West and of Native Americans’ legendary history.
“With impressive research and detail, Anne Schroeder writes in a voice of authority. She has created a vivid depiction of a people, the Salinan of California, in the first half of the 19th century.”
–Lucia St. Clair Robson, award-winning author of Ride the Wind
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Praise for Maria Ines
“If you don’t read another novel this year…you must read “Maria Ines.” …as vivid and gripping a story as the timeless classic, “Ramona,” and even more moving!”
“A tremendously emotional ride…an eye-opening adventure, remarkably written!”
“This book was a very nice surprise.” “I couldn’t put it down until I finished. I highly recommend it to those who love historical fiction.”